Dignity, Equality, Freedom, Respect

“Raising awareness and understanding of the rights and values of the European Union”


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Target of the project

The AX.I.E.S. project aims to use social justice education in a marginalized social group, the adult students of the Second Chance School of Domokos Prison, regarding the dissemination of social and moral values, on which the democratic society of the European Union is based, such as Dignity, Equality, Freedom and Respect (AΞ.Ι.Ε.Σ.)

What needs does our project intend to solve or address?

In education, social justice has been presented in three types:

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Equality of opportunity

‘Equality of opportunity’, which refers to formal human rights, equality of access and equal participation; what is commonly called the ‘common good’, which is determined by mutual recognition, respect and the fair distribution of benefits and responsibilities (Griffiths, 2003 in Rentzi, 2021),

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The equality of results

“Equality of outcomes”, which refers to offering equal opportunities for a successful life to marginalised social groups, through the intervention of “policy
positive discrimination and ‘positive action’ policies (2021).

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The equality of conditions

The “equality of conditions”, stems from the inability to address the basic
problems arising from the unequal treatment of marginalized social groups
(Gerwitz (1998 στο Rentzi, 2023).

Activities – News


AXIES working team is organising a webinar about project research findings and the course demonstration….

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